Breast Implant Removal Before and After Tips

Breast Implant Removal Before and After Tips

So you’ve had your breast implants for several years, and now something’s happened that makes breast implant removal imminent. Maybe it’s a rupture or capsular contracture. Perhaps it’s simply that you desire a different breast size or shape.

No matter the reason, you certainly have a long list of questions regarding breast implant removal before and after. Let’s go over some of these questions and their answers below.

Before Breast Implant Removal

1. Consult with Your Surgeon

Discuss your goals and concerns in detail with your potential plastic surgeon. Make sure they are board certified and ask questions about their experience. Your surgeon can help you understand what to expect and recommend the best approach for your situation.

2. Review Your Medical History

Inform your surgeon of any medical conditions, medications, or allergies you have. This will help in planning a safe procedure and minimizing potential risks.

3. Decide on a Plan After Removal

Patients may decide to undergo additional surgical procedures after their breast expant surgery. These include breast lift surgery, another breast augmentation (new breast implants), or breast reduction surgery. Additionally, you can do nothing at all.

4. Prepare for Recovery

Before your breast implant removal recovery, arrange for someone to help you at home. This can make a significant difference in your comfort and ease of healing.

5. Follow Your Surgeon’s Preoperative Instructions

Adhere to any guidelines provided by your surgeon, including dietary restrictions or medication adjustments, to ensure a smooth surgery.

After Breast Implant Removal

1. Rest and Recover

Allow yourself ample time to rest and heal. Avoid strenuous activities for at least a few weeks post-surgery to promote optimal recovery.

2. Manage Pain, Swelling, and Scars

Use prescribed medications as directed to alleviate discomfort. Cold compresses can also help reduce swelling in the days following the procedure. Wear your compression garment (if required) as directed.

To avoid noticeable breast implant removal scars, try using silicone gel sheets as well as self massage (as directed).

3. Wear a Supportive Bra

A supportive surgical bra can help stabilize your breasts as they heal, reducing discomfort and promoting proper healing. You will transition into different types of bras depending on your healing progress and type of surgery.

4. Attend Follow-Up Appointments

Keep all scheduled follow-up visits with your surgeon to monitor your healing progress and address any potential issues.

5. Consider Your Next Steps

After removal, think about your options moving forward. Some patients move on to undergo additional procedures such as tummy tuck surgery or liposuction.

FAQ: Before and After Breast Implant Removal

Why do most people have their breast implants removed?

Patients go through breast implant removal surgery for all different types of reasons. Some patients may struggle with a medical issue such as breast implant illness or capsular contracture while others simply want to change their breast size or adopt a more natural breast shape.

Will insurance cover breast implant removal?

Patients often want to know, “Will insurance cover breast implant removal?” Insurance coverage for breast implant removal cost varies depending on the individual policy and the reason for the removal. If the procedure is deemed medically necessary, such as in cases of complications like implant rupture, capsular contracture, or significant discomfort, insurance may cover some or all costs.

However, if the removal is purely cosmetic or due to personal preference, it is less likely to be covered. It’s important to check with your insurance provider to understand your specific coverage options and requirements.

How is breast implant illness treated?

If you have been told you may be suffering from breast implant illness (BII), only implant removal surgery can help. Having breast implants removed due to BII seems to curb or completely stop related symptoms in most patients.

Can I remove breast implants and get a breast lift at the same time?

Certainly. If you don’t want to go through with another breast augmentation (new replacement breast implants), you may consider undergoing a breast implant revision that includes a breast lift. This will lift your own natural breast tissue and give you perkier breasts with lifted nipples, but you will lose volume. Look at breast lift after implant removal before and after photos for more information.

Can breast implant removal help with capsular contracture?

Yes. Formation of a scar tissue capsule around each of your breast implants is normal, but when surrounding scar tissue hardens significantly, it is called capsular contracture. This can be both painful and noticeable.

If capsular contracture (excess and hardened scar tissue) is giving you problems, breast implant removal is likely the best solution. For most patients, replacement implants can be put in after initial implant removal if you like. Otherwise, some patients opt for a breast lift or do nothing and leave their breasts natural.

Breast Implant Removal Before and After

before and after breast implant removal

breast lift after implant removal before and after

Request Your Consultation Appointment Today

If you’ve been thinking about removing your breast implants and want to know what to expect before and after surgery, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Raja Mohan can guide you through the entire process.

With extensive experience in implant removal, Dr. Mohan will work with you to achieve a natural look that complements your whole body. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation and take the next step toward your new desired look.


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