Best Bras After Breast Augmentation: What to Avoid

A breast augmentation and breast lift won’t just change the size of the breasts. It also will alter the size and type of bra you wear. If you have breast augmentation or implants, you can bid farewell to your A or B cup breasts! So, you can’t expect to wear the same Bras After Breast Augmentation, either. […]

Breast Augmentation Scars 101

Breast augmentation scars are a common aesthetic concern for patients who desire larger breasts with implants. But as anyone who’s researched breast implants knows, a plastic surgeon must create an incision site when performing breast augmentation surgery because they need a place to insert the implants. This, of course, leads to scarring. The good news […]

Should I Get a BBL? And How to Get Natural BBL

  Cosmetic surgeries to improve the rear are getting more prevalent; The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that butt lifts and butt implant surgeries increased by 20% from 2015-16. One of the best-known butt enhancement options is the Brazilian butt lift (BBL) Dallas. But before you choose this procedure, it’s essential to know everything about it so you […]

Vaser Liposuction Before and After: What You Need to Know

Vaser liposuction is an excellent option if you’re looking for precise body contouring and a minimally invasive way to remove excess fat. The Vaser liposuction procedure is relatively quick compared to traditional liposuction, and it only requires local anesthesia, which means you can walk in and out of your Vaser liposuction appointment the same day. […]

Fat Transfer to Breast Pros and Cons

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries. Over the years, breast augmentation has evolved in many ways. From what breast implants are made of to their shape, you have many options for enhancing your breasts. One of the newer and natural methods of Dallas breast augmentation is fat transfer. This cosmetic procedure […]

How to Get Rid of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia, also known as swollen breast tissue in males, stands as the most prevalent male breast disorder. This enlargement of breast tissue often arises due to hormonal imbalances. Interestingly, in some young men experiencing pre-puberty or puberty, the occurrence of “man boobs” can be entirely normal. In such cases, the condition typically resolves over time […]

Day by Day Eyelid Surgery Recovery Time Photos and Tips

If you’ve recently undergone blepharoplasty in Dallas or are considering it, understanding what to expect during your recovery will help make the experience easier and less stressful. And while looking at photos is certainly beneficial, simply knowing what each day will bring can help settle your mind as well. This plastic surgery procedure article will […]

Why is BBL So Dangerous: BBL Risks and Danger

The concept of the ‘perfect’ feminine shape is constantly evolving and is often driven by celebrities. Beyoncé, Kim Kardashian, and others have popularized the hourglass silhouette that includes full, high, and round buttocks in this era. That’s one of the reasons that the Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is so popular in culture today. After all, […]

Correcting Botched Upper Eyelid Surgery

Upper eyelid surgery, also known as upper blepharoplasty, consistently ranks as one of the most popular facial surgeries, especially for men and women over the age of 40. Unlike many other plastic surgeries, however, upper eyelid surgery has unique risks. Though a highly skilled and experienced board certified plastic surgeon can consistently achieve quality results […]

Who’s a Good Mini Arm Lift Candidate?

Patients often seek arm lift surgery to address sagging skin caused by aging, weight loss, or genetics. This excess skin can make the arms appear less toned and can’t be eliminated through exercise alone. Surgery is the only way to remove excess skin effectively. Depending on the extent of sagging, patients may consider a mini […]

Understanding Different Types of Brow Lift Surgery

Looking in the mirror, you might notice a heavy brow, sagging skin, or deeper forehead wrinkles. These changes can make you appear older and more tired than you really feel. Could it be … time for a brow lift? Many men and women go through these notions in their mind, only to start doing some […]

What Is Invisible Arm Lift Surgery?

Many people feel self-conscious about sagging skin or excess fat on their upper arms. Whether it’s due to significant weight loss, the natural aging process, or genetics, arm lifts can help improve arm contour and boost patient confidence. With that said, one of the biggest concerns patients have is the resulting arm lift scar, which […]

What Is the Botox Brow Lift Technique?

If you’ve been noticing sagging brows or signs of aging around your eyes and forehead, a Botox brow lift procedure can rejuvenate the appearance of your upper face area. This procedure can also open up the eye area in particular, creating a more alert and youthful look. Instead of looking tired and worn out, you’ll […]

What Is a Lateral Brow Lift?

As we get older, sagging near the upper third of the face is often one of the first signs of aging. The brows may droop. You may discover more wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes. And both men and women often complain of feeling like they look tired, worn-out, or even angry. A lateral […]

What Is a Temporal Brow Lift?

Early signs of aging in the face can often be corrected and prevented from getting worse with a temporal brow lift. Especially if you have been noticing drooping of the upper eyelids and outer brow area, a temporal brow lift can often help. In this article, we’ll explore what a temporal brow lift is, who […]

Brow Lift Before and After Considerations

Once you’ve seen really great brow lift before and after pictures (a celebrity brow lift before an after, for example!), it’s easy to understand why this procedure is so in-demand. With just a few discreet incisions and some minor adjustments, patients can go from tired and haggard to bright and youthful. If you have been […]

What Influences Mini Tummy Tuck Cost?

Mini tummy tuck cost is a hot topic for many patients who desire this procedure. Patients want to know how the cost of mini tummy tuck surgery weighs against the cost of a full tummy tuck. And let’s face it — they also want to know what that cost will be! It makes complete sense. […]

Will I Have Breast Implant Removal Scars?

It’s not uncommon for breast augmentation patients to seek breast implant removal over time. The reasons for this vary. Some patients find that, after a while, they no longer want implants at all. In this case, they have their current implants removed permanently. Other patients simply want to exchange their current implants with new ones […]

Arm Lift Before and After Tips

Getting an upper arm lift can be a great boost of self-confidence for those with droopy, sagging arm skin. For anyone who’s worked hard to lose a significant amount of weight, arm lift surgery is the only effective solution for removing the remaining skin from the upper arms. At the same time, arm surgery is […]

Breast Implant Removal Before and After Tips

So you’ve had your breast implants for several years, and now something’s happened that makes breast implant removal imminent. Maybe it’s a rupture or capsular contracture. Perhaps it’s simply that you desire a different breast size or shape. No matter the reason, you certainly have a long list of questions regarding breast implant removal before […]

Brow Lift Recovery Day by Day Tips

Brow lift surgery can help drooping eyebrows, sagging upper eyelids and a moody, older look that takes away from a fresher, more youthful appearance. If you are undergoing brow lift surgery, you almost certainly will have questions about brow lift recovery. Up ahead, we’ll go into more detail about what to expect from your brow […]

Will Insurance Cover Breast Implant Removal?

The short and rather inconvenient answer to the question, “Will insurance cover breast implant removal?” is: It depends. There are some situations in which, yes, health insurance providers will deem a patient’s underlying symptoms “medically necessary”. And because of this, surgery to resolve the issue(s) will be covered, at least in part, if not in […]

Should Men Worry About Gynecomastia Surgery Scars?

Although we would love it if gynecomastia surgery could be performed without resulting scars, this simply isn’t possible. Even with the major advances in today’s technologies and plastic surgery techniques, gynecomastia surgery scars are inevitable. The good news is that most patients are able to fully recover from gynecomastia surgery without noticeable scarring. This can […]

9 Consultation Questions to Ask Board Certified Plastic Surgeons

When it comes to who you should choose for your plastic surgery procedure, it’s important to only select from board certified plastic surgeons. This certification matters. If you know anything about how to become a plastic surgeon in the first place, you know that the process can be extremely challenging, with rigorous standards. But board […]

Tips for Diminishing Brow Lift Scars

Brow lift scars are an unfortunate inevitability following your brow lift surgery in Dallas. With incisions, you always get scars. But the good news is, with some additional help, you can diminish the appearance of coronal, endoscopic, or temporal brow lift scars and boost the benefits of your procedure even further. Below, we’ve created a […]

Brow Lift Cost & Procedure FAQs

Brow lift cost will depend on several key factors, including the type of brow lift you undergo, the extent of the surgery, and (of course) who your surgeon is and where you get surgery. All surgeons will charge different amounts for their treatment and care. Surgeons frequently have various levels of experience and training with […]

Mini Tummy Tuck Recovery FAQs

The mini tummy tuck recovery process doesn’t have to be terrible. With the right surgeon, careful planning, and regular follow-up appointments, you can have a safe, smooth, and even enjoyable mini tummy tuck recovery time. It all starts with the preparation process, which means asking the right questions when meeting with your chosen plastic surgeon. […]

What to Expect With a Mini Tummy Tuck Scar

One of the greatest benefits of a mini tummy tuck surgery is that a mini tummy tuck scar is typically smaller than a full tummy tuck scar. Most tummy tuck scars (full or mini) are located on the lower abdomen beneath the bikini line. If you are not having a mini tummy tuck, you will […]

What Makes an Ideal Mini Tummy Tuck Candidate?

The truth is, to be an ideal mini tummy tuck candidate is quite rare. This is simply because mini tummy tuck surgery is only meant for a very specific situation in which there is excess loose skin only on the lower portion of the abdomen. And for most people who struggle with loose abdominal skin, […]

Top Celebrities With Gynecomastia

Ever wondered if there are celebrities with gynecomastia or those who have had gynecomastia surgery Dallas in the past? Gynecomastia — the enlargement of male breast tissue — affects between 50 and 65 percent of the American male population. This makes it the most common male breast disorder. So, it only makes sense that at […]

Gynecomastia vs fat: What do I Have?

Gynecomastia sets itself apart from regular chest fat primarily because it is predominantly unresponsive to lifestyle modifications, specifically diet and exercise. Rather, it stems from an abnormal growth of glandular tissue and is often associated with hormonal imbalances. Men frequently express concern over the presence of noticeable breast tissue and seek ways to eliminate it. […]

What to Expect From Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery

While gynecomastia surgery (male breast reduction surgery) can be absolutely transformative — just check out these gynecomastia surgery recovery pictures — getting the results you want will certainly require some work on your part as well. Ultimately, recovering from gynecomastia surgery is all about slowing down, following your surgeon’s instructions, and patience. Of course, it’s […]

What is a Brow Lift?

Millions of Americans began to work from home exclusively during the pandemic, leading to many using Zoom to stay in touch with their work teams. As workers saw themselves on screen all day through their PC camera, they noticed things about their faces that they didn’t like. This led to what some call the Zoom […]

11 Things to Know About Blepharoplasty

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, reconstructive surgery, involves the removal of excess skin from the upper or lower eyelids. This procedure also may entail removing or contouring fat around your eyes for the best appearance. The goal is to make you look younger by refreshing the tissue around the eyes and making you look more rested. […]

How to Prepare for Brachioplasty Recovery

Likely, the most important thing to remember during any patient’s brachioplasty recovery is this: Rest, relax, and don’t try to do too much. Why? Because most of us vastly underestimate how much we use our arms in everyday life. Nearly everything you physically do requires your arms — whether it’s getting dressed, cooking, cleaning, bathing, […]

How to Minimize Your Arm Lift Scar

Don’t let the idea of having an arm lift scar outweigh the benefits you’ll receive from undergoing this surgery. Arm lift surgery can permanently remove excess skin and stubborn fat on the upper arms. If you’re considering arm lift surgery but are worried about scarring, this article is for you. Below, we’ll go over the […]

Batwing Surgery with an Upper Arm Lift Gain Popularity

Face lifts. Brow lifts. Butt lifts. Neck lifts. There are many ways to give your body a proverbial boost when things start to look a little droopy. But a procedure that doesn’t receive nearly as much attention is the upper arm lift. This may be surprising to some, given just how many people are so […]

Arm Lift Cost & Procedure FAQs

Whether you have questions about arm lift cost and payment options, the surgery itself, recovery, or even how to find a plastic surgeon who specializes in arm lifts — we can help! In the following FAQ guide, we’ve attempted to assemble the most commonly asked questions we receive concerning arm lift surgery, also known as […]

Before and After Breast Implant Removal Side Effects

Several situations may lead a patient with breast implants to decide on breast implant removal in Dallas. Pain, discomfort, rupture, leaking, rotation, and dissatisfaction are just a few of the reasons women may get their implants taken out. Sometimes, the old implants are replaced with new ones, and other times, nothing is done or the […]

Breast Implant Removal Cost FAQs

Whether you’ve only recently decided to undergo breast implant removal or are just in the beginning stages of having this surgery, you almost certainly have questions about breast implant removal cost. To be sure, pricing any type of plastic surgery can be difficult. And in fact, when it comes to breast implant removal, the challenge […]

Will My Breasts Look Flat After Breast Implant Removal?

No matter why you’ve decided to have your implants removed, you want to be sure you’ll look good after surgery. You know the procedure can produce stunning results, especially when combined with a fat transfer, lift, or replacement implants. But how will you look? Every patient is different. When we see patients in our office for breast implant removal […]

9 Questions to Ask a Potential Brazilian Butt Lift Surgeon

Choosing a Brazilian butt lift surgeon will be a significant part of your plastic surgery experience. Naturally, you want the best Brazilian butt lift surgeon in Dallas you can find. But what exactly does that mean? And how can you narrow down your shortlist? We recommend you start by making a list of the top […]

What to Know About Liposuction After Pregnancy

Becoming a mother is certainly one of life’s true joys. Still, the experiences of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding can change a woman’s body in drastic ways. Many women would love to get their pre-pregnancy bodies back, but finding time to exercise and focus on healthy eating habits can be difficult. On top of that, sometimes […]

What to Know About Lipo 360 Scars

“Will I have lipo 360 scars?” This is a common question we receive from patients undergoing liposuction 360. And the answer is “yes” with one important note (and it’s good news!): In nearly all cases of 360 lipo scars, the marks are extremely small and almost impossible to see after healing. With that in mind, […]

Ensure Your Mommy Makeover Includes These 7 Things

Want to make sure you get the best mommy makeover results possible? Then make sure your mommy makeover includes the following key elements! Mommy Makeover Essentials 1. A board certified plastic surgeon at the helm Make sure you choose a mommy makeover surgeon who is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. You […]

When Can I Exercise After Mommy Makeover?

Patients seeking mommy makeover surgery frequently want to know when they’ll be able to exercise after their procedure. Unfortunately, exercise after mommy makeover surgery isn’t a cut and dry topic. Due to the nature of mommy makeovers, each patient undergoes a procedure that’s individualized to them. Add that to the fact that every patient heals […]

Revision Rhinoplasty and Complications

  If you had rhinoplasty and are displeased with the results, you may be thinking about revision rhinoplasty or a secondary rhinoplasty. However, before you decide to have another procedure, it’s essential to know the possibility of complications and the risks. Many plastic surgeons say that revision rhinoplasty is one of the most complex facial […]

Does Rhinoplasty Change Your Smile?

Rhinoplasty surgery, also called a nose job, is a popular plastic surgery that can transform your nose size and your face’s overall appearance. The purpose of nose surgery is to shape the nose to make it in better proportion with your face. Rhinoplasty surgery can increase or decrease the size or shape. It also can […]

Does a Nose Job Last Forever? | Rhinoplasty After 20 Years

The purpose of rhinoplasty or a nose job is to change the nose’s size, shape, or function. Many patients want rhinoplasty to make the nose smaller or make it more aesthetically pleasing. Others want to improve their ability to breathe through the nose. If you’re considering plastic surgery in the form of a rhinoplasty, it’s […]

What to Expect From Mommy Makeover Results

Once you’ve set your mind on mommy makeover surgery, chances are you’re already looking forward to your results. Do you find yourself dreaming of the new clothes you’ll buy? Or the places you’ll go on vacation once you have your “new” body? While all of these goals are certainly great motivation as you approach surgery, […]

What Is Lipo HD?

Do you have small pockets of unwanted fat that are resistant to diet and exercise? Are you not overweight but wish you had more muscle definition with just a little less bulge in certain areas? If so, lipo HD may be for you. What Is Lipo HD? Lipo HD (also known as liposuction HD, HD […]

How to Become a Plastic Surgeon

Ever thought about becoming a plastic surgeon? This challenging field of medicine appeals to those who are interested in restoring, reconstructing, or altering the human body to improve appearance, function or, sometimes, both by performing an elective surgery. Of course, mere interest and the brass tacks of actually how to become a plastic surgeon are […]

Liposuction Results Week by Week

Anxious about when you’ll be able to see your liposuction results? As soon as you decide to undergo liposuction, and you book that surgery appointment with your plastic surgeon, you’re bound to be excited. This procedure can remove stubborn, unwanted fat that you’ve wanted to get rid of for decades! It can sculpt your body […]

Is Liposuction for Men Too?

Absolutely! In fact, liposuction for men is rising in popularity. More and more men are realizing that some stubborn fat deposits are nearly impossible to get rid of with a healthy lifestyle combined with diet and exercise alone. Liposuction in Dallas, on the other hand, is a simple, safe, and effective method to spot reduce […]

Breast Implant Shapes: A Guide

If you are planning to undergo a breast augmentation surgery (breast implant surgery), you will have two main breast implant shapes to choose from: round and teardrop. Below, we will outline each of these different shapes of breast implants and discuss for whom each one will work best. Ultimately, the choice will be decided by […]

Can You Get a Breast Reduction and Lift Together?

Yes, breast reduction and lift surgery is a common cosmetic procedure for women who want to reduce the overall size of their breasts and achieve more lift at the same time. If you are interested in this surgery, read on. Below, we will outline who is best suited for a breast lift and reduction, how […]

Will Insurance Cover Breast Implant Revision Surgery?

Breast implants are designed to last a long time—not a lifetime. At some point, breast revision surgery will be required to address the issues that come with the aging process. This often includes breast implant revisions, such as a change in size or complete removal. Regardless of what you decide to do with your breast […]

Breast Reduction Before and After Tips

If you want to reduce the size of your breasts, a good place to start is by looking at breast reduction before and after photos. There, you’ll see the types of reductions that can be achieved with this surgery. You’ll also see the three scar patterns that are most frequently used. Although some people may […]

Are There Breast Reduction Weight Requirements?

When someone mentions breast reduction weight requirements, the reference is typically in regards to insurance companies. That is, plastic surgeons do not commonly have breast reduction surgery weight requirements. Most anyone can get the surgery as long as they qualify in terms of overall health (no serious ongoing medical conditions, non-smoking status, etc.) and can […]

How Much Does Vaser Liposuction Cost?

Vaser liposuction, or high definition liposuction, is a very common procedure used to remove unwanted fat cells from various areas of the body using ultrasound technology. This includes the fat cells among the inner and outer thighs, arms, abdomen, buttocks, face, chest, and calves. It’s also associated with skin tightening benefits, which is part of […]

Vaser Liposuction Recovery: Everything You Wanted to Know

Vaser liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that utilizes ultrasound technology to get rid of unwanted fat cells. Most patients opt for Vaser lipo to achieve a more toned and chiseled appearance, as the cosmetic procedure is designed to target subdermal fat cells. These are the superficial fat cells below the skin’s surface that a healthy […]

How Much Does Breast Reduction Surgery Cost?

Unfortunately, bigger isn’t always better — especially when it comes to breast size. Many women choose to undergo breast reduction surgery to mitigate the issues associated with extra breast tissue, such as sagging, poor posture, chronic back pain, shoulder pain, skin irritation, etc. Of course, there’s one primary concern regarding breast reduction surgeries, and that […]

Vaser Liposuction Pros and Cons

While traditional liposuction is what most people think of when it comes to fat removal procedures, Vaser liposuction has recently increased in popularity. This is because there are different types of unwanted fat. Among the Vaser liposuction pros and cons, the Vaser liposuction procedure addresses the stubborn fat deposits that stand between you and your […]

What’s Vaser Liposuction? Everything You Need to Know

If you have stubborn fat deposits you’d like to get rid of, Vaser liposuction may be a worthwhile option. Compared to traditional liposuction, Vaser liposuction (or Vaser lipo) is a minimally invasive procedure that works to liquefy fat cells. This makes it easier to remove the excess fat that diet and exercise aren’t helping with. […]

How Much Does a Breast Lift Cost?

Ultimately, breast lift cost is based on several factors, which all come together to give you your final estimate. And the truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all cost for this or any other plastic surgery. Too many variables must be evaluated. Breast lift surgery (or mastopexy as it is sometimes called) is a major cosmetic […]

Breast Lift Before and After: What to Expect

Breast lift before and after pictures of real patients can reveal outstanding results for those who have undergone significant weight fluctuations in the past or moms who are through having children. Breasts that were once sagging and flat now appear higher up on the chest wall, perkier, and more youthful. If you are thinking about […]

Is Breast Reduction Covered by Insurance?

If you’ve been considering breast reduction surgery, chances are you have questions about cost. One of the most common questions a plastic surgeon receives in this regard pertains to insurance coverage. Namely — “Is breast reduction covered by insurance?” Of course, patients always have lots of other questions for their plastic surgeon. They want to […]

FAQ: Breast Reduction Scars

Scarring is inevitable after any type of surgery involving incisions. This goes for breast reduction surgery as well as other common breast procedures such as breast augmentation surgery and breast lift surgery. Fortunately, there are many things patients can do to help minimize the appearance of scarring after their breast reduction surgery. Choosing an experienced […]

Everything to Know About Breast Reduction Recovery

So, you’re thinking about getting breast reduction surgery in Dallas, but you lead a busy life, and you’re concerned: How long does it take to recover from a breast reduction? How much time will I have to take off work? Will I be in pain and sore for months? How do you sleep after breast […]

Ultimate Guide to What is Brazilian Butt Lift?

Even with a rigorous exercise routine and strict dieting, it can be nearly impossible to change your body’s fat distribution. This means that even if you’re at your target weight, you may not be happy with your body’s overall shape. Most often, what patients desire is a greater waist-to-hip ratio — that is, a smaller […]

Can You Get a Breast Augmentation With Lift?

Yes! In fact, breast augmentation with lift surgery is quite common. And it’s an excellent way to enhance the breasts comprehensively. Still, not every patient seeking improvements to their breasts requires this combination surgery. For some, only a breast lift is needed. For others, breast augmentation alone will achieve their goals. If you have been […]

What Is a Non Surgical Breast Lift?

A non surgical breast lift (sometimes called a scarless breast lift) can actually mean a number of things. The general unifying factor, however, is that “scarless” lifts are those that do not involve incisions. Naturally, any time you have incisions, you’re going to get scars. And, of course, incisions as part of any procedure would […]

6 Most Popular Reasons for Plastic Surgery

The decision to undergo plastic surgery of any kind is a highly personal one. The thought of cosmetic surgery may strike you on a whim or it may be something you’ve deliberated about for years. Whatever your situation, you might know, deep within your heart of hearts, that you’ll feel best about yourself after you […]

How Old Is Too Old for Plastic Surgery?

You hear about people having plastic surgery in Dallas all the time. There’s usually a very specific motivation behind these procedures — but there’s rarely any rhyme or reason involved where their ages are concerned. That’s because people of all ages seem to go under the knife for little tweaks, nips, and tucks. But is […]

How Much Does Breast Implant Revision Cost?

Ultimately, your breast implant revision cost will be based on your surgeon’s experience, the scope of the procedure, and where your surgeon’s practice is located. Other factors may influence the cost of breast implant revision as well, and we will discuss these in more detail up ahead. For now, it’s important to know that scheduling […]

Tips for Your Breast Implant Revision Recovery

For most patients, the breast implant revision recovery period is actually very much like their original breast augmentation recovery period. One potential difference is that you will inevitably be older after your breast implant revision surgery. And if it’s been eight or ten years, for example, the healing process may take slightly longer depending on […]

The Pros & Cons of Breast Implant Revision Surgery

Breast implant revision surgery may be performed for a range of reasons — from a desire to change your personal look to medical complications such as capsular contracture. No matter your reason, when performed by an experienced board certified plastic surgeon, breast implant revision can be highly safe and effective at helping you achieve your […]

Brazilian Butt Lift Cost: Your Questions Answered

Brazilian butt lift cost is mostly influenced by who your surgeon is and how much they choose to charge. But other factors will impact your cost estimate for BBL surgery as well. In this article, we’ll take a deep dive into the main factors affecting the cost of Brazilian butt lift surgery and answer some […]

How to Have a Smooth Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

Following surgery, the initial Brazilian butt lift recovery period will typically last about four to six weeks. During this time, you’ll go through a range of symptoms, which we’ll cover more in detail below. But after four to six weeks, most patients can see their results, and much of the swelling, bruising, and soreness will […]

What to Look for in Brazilian Butt Lift Before and After Pictures

The stunning results seen in Brazilian butt lift before and after photos show just how different this procedure can make your body look. Taking fat from around the abdomen creates a beautifully slender waistline. When paired with the added roundness and volume in the buttocks and hips, patients can achieve an entirely new silhouette — […]

Rhinoplasty Cost Factors to Consider

How much does rhinoplasty cost? This is one of the most frequently asked questions when patients come in for their rhinoplasty consultations. Naturally, patients want to know how much these procedures typically cost so that they can first, determine if this procedure is possible for them, and second, figure out financing. While some patients have […]

Do Men Get Plastic Surgery?

The number of men considering Dallas plastic surgery is rising. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, one of the societies that requires Board certification, there were 1.2 million cosmetic procedures performed on men in 2015, triple the number done in 1997. This guide highlights answers the question Do men get plastic surgery? Are […]

Do’s and Don’ts During Rhinoplasty Recovery

Although your rhinoplasty surgery itself will be the central determining factor when it comes to achieving great results, a smooth rhinoplasty recovery is nearly as important. As you head into your rhinoplasty recovery time, always make sure you are diligently following your surgeon’s instructions and paying close attention to your symptoms and progress. Below, we’ve […]

The Importance of Board Certification in Plastic Surgery

Most cosmetic surgeries aren’t thought of as medically necessary, but they are usually serious surgeries that can have severe consequences if they go wrong. That’s why it’s essential to check if the plastic surgeon in Dallas has board certification in plastic surgery before you proceed with a cosmetic surgery. If you’re considering any plastic surgery, below […]

What Is the Best Age for a Facelift?

It’s no small decision to undergo facelift surgery. A facial rejuvenation surgery is a In fact, making the choice to have any type of plastic surgery is huge. You’re willingly going under the knife and putting your faith in the hands of a skilled surgeon who promises to help make your vision of the ideal […]

Millennial Plastic Surgery: Most Popular Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

If you think that plastic surgery in Dallas  is only for people in their 50s or 60s, think again! About 40% of millennial plastic surgery under 40 consider a cosmetic procedure in the next year or already had one. Plastic surgery is growing among the younger generations. Research suggests that the millennial generation is more […]

Preparing for Rhinoplasty Before and After

Preparing for rhinoplasty before and after surgery is an important part of achieving the results you want. Patients who take the time to review their surgery plan in detail, carefully read through their surgeon’s pre- and post-op instructions, and ask questions whenever they have them will, on the whole, fare better than patients who fail […]

What You Need to Know About Breast Lift Scars

The most notable thing many people notice when looking at before and after photos for breast lift surgery is that frequently in the “after” photos, patients have scarring. For some, this is an immediate turn-off to the procedure. However, in this article, we hope to enlighten readers on several points regarding this line of thinking: […]

Butt Implants vs. BBL: Decoding the Dilemma

Plastic surgeries that enhance the rear have been growing in popularity in the past decade or so. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that rear enhancement surgeries increased about 20% between 2015 and 2016. One of the best-known options is the Brazilian butt lift, but there are other ways to get a rounder rear […]

Tummy Tuck Before and After: Tackling Common Myths

Just by looking at a set of tummy tuck before and after photos, it can often seem as though the patient simply lost a significant amount of weight or perhaps embarked on a rigorous new exercise plan. In fact, this is one of the most common “myths” associated with tummy tuck surgery — that it’s […]

Who Is Considered a Good Liposuction Candidate?

If you have difficulty getting rid of stubborn excess fat in certain areas of your body, you may want to do something about it. With liposuction, your plastic surgeon can remove localized fat areas that are resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction surgery in Dallas, is a simple procedure, but it requires the skills and […]

Should Tummy Tuck Cost Influence Your Plastic Surgeon Choice?

When choosing a plastic surgeon for abdominoplasty, many patients home right in on tummy tuck cost before considering any other factors. And naturally, we understand why. Plastic surgery — which is not typically covered by insurance and usually must be paid for out-of-pocket — can get expensive. Nearly every major procedure costs at least several […]

Do Breast Implants Need To Be Replaced?

Breast augmentation with breast implants is one of the most popular plastic surgeries in the United States. Many women want larger, more attractive breasts, and breast augmentation – sometimes combined with a breast lift – offers a more feminine look that can boost a woman’s self-confidence. However, as good as breast implants in Dallas are, […]

Best Types of Breast Lifts to Get?

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight changes can change the appearance and feel of the breasts. These factors can cause the breasts to become deflated and sag, leading to an older and less attractive appearance. While some opt for a breast augmentation, a breast lift adjusts the breast shape so as to make the breasts perkier, firmer, […]

Breast Lift Recovery Time: 7 Tips

Breast lift surgery (mastopexy) literally lifts the breasts and tightens the breast tissue, removing any excess. The breast lift procedure can do amazing things for breasts that already have volume but need a little perking up because of aging or the effects of past pregnancies. In fact, a breast lift is often included in mommy […]

Mommy Makeover Before and After: What to Expect

How do you know what to expect from your mommy makeover before and after? Both before and after mommy makeover procedures, it’s common to have some nervous, anxious feelings. After all, you’re undergoing major surgery. Recovery (depending on which procedures you choose) can be longer than with other plastic surgeries. And on top of that, […]

Will I Have Mommy Makeover Scars?

Are you worried about mommy makeover scars? Concern about scars after mommy makeover surgery is one of the most common topics we discuss with patients at their mommy makeover consultation appointments. And to be sure, no one wants scars from mommy makeover surgery. Unfortunately, they are a reality. The good news is, there are steps […]

Liquid Facelift Dallas: Turn Back the Clock Quick

If you are unhappy with how your face looks as you age, you may want to consider a liquid facelift procedure. While a liquid facelift procedure does not involve surgery, it is a serious facial rejuvenation procedure, so it is important to understand everything involved. Liquid facelift treatments are among the most popular non surgical […]

Fat Transfer to Buttocks Procedure

Ever wanted a Kim Kardashian butt? Ever since the Kardashian clan came on the scene, women have been going crazy for the hourglass figure that these women seem to have effortlessly achieved. And to be sure, the hourglass figure is a classically beautiful silhouette for women. Still, not all of us have this figure naturally. […]

Tips for Finding the Best Mommy Makeover Surgeon

It’s easy to find the best mommy makeover surgeon for you — as long as you know what to look for, of course! The truth is, any time you undergo surgery of any kind, you’re naturally going to want the best. It’s finding that truly great surgeon, one who instills in you confidence and excitement […]

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