Do Men Get Plastic Surgery?

Do Men Get Plastic Surgery

The number of men considering Dallas plastic surgery is rising. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, one of the societies that requires Board certification, there were 1.2 million cosmetic procedures performed on men in 2015, triple the number done in 1997.

This guide highlights answers the question Do men get plastic surgery?

Are more men getting plastic surgery?

Like women, men have many reasons for getting plastic surgery. Plastic surgery for men is no longer a taboo subject. Below are the most common cosmetic surgery procedures, followed by the most popular plastic surgery procedures.

  • Turn back time on facial aging: Many men have wrinkles around their eyes, mouth, and forehead. Others have hollow areas in the cheeks that can be corrected with non-surgical interventions.
  • Sagging eyelids and bags under the eyes: Extra lines or sagging skin over the eyes is due to saggy eyelid skin. Bags below your eyes happen from fat that’s displaced.
  • Reduce sagging skin and jowls in the lower face: Gravity takes a toll and leaves some men with jowls, sagging, and folds in the lower face.
  • Eliminate fat: Many men find they can’t eat or drink as they used to without gaining weight. Liposuction is an effective way to eliminate stubborn fat pockets and get back their younger shape.
  • Beer belly: Liposuction can effectively eliminate fat, but a beer belly may require a tummy tuck to give you back that flat stomach of your youth.

Common common male surgeries:

What plastic surgery do men get? We have answers. Below are the most common surgical procedures for men.


Liposuction is a popular surgical procedure for men and women, but men often want it for different reasons. They want this surgical procedure not just to be thin again but to refine their look.

They want to eliminate the fat at the waist, but they also long for the muscular look that makes them look more manly and fit.

Some plastic surgeons redeposit fat taken from the abdomen and use it to enhance the appearance of specific muscles. It’s widespread in men who want liposuction in the stomach and have it deposited in the chest. Doctors can put some fat beneath the muscles to make the pectorals look larger.

Laser Hair Removal

When it comes to plastic surgery for men, laser hair removal is an often sought out procedure. While approximately 82% of individuals opting for professional laser hair removal are women it’s of note that this plastic surgery procedure is gaining popularity among men in recent years. In certain instances, the procedure may even be more effective for men.

Laser hair removal is a medical technique employing a focused beam of light (laser) to eliminate undesired hair. In this procedure, the laser emits light, which is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) present in the hair.


Gynecomastia is male breast reduction surgery. Some men have feminized or enlarged breasts, and this procedure removes the tissue with liposuction to give the chest a more masculine look. Gynecomastia is common, and about one if four men have some degree of the condition by age 50.

Other men have work done on their chests who don’t necessarily have gynecomastia. Instead, they want to augment and enhance the muscles of the chest.

Eyelid Surgery

Some men go to the plastic surgeon and complain that they look old or tired but don’t want a complete facelift. One potential solution is an eyelid surgery, specifically an eye lift.

Many men notice aging signs around the eyes and say they have bags under the eyes or extra eyelid skin that makes them look too old, this is where an eyelid surgery comes in.

Eyelid surgery can be done on the lower or upper lids to take out extra skin and smooth any wrinkles. These plastic surgery procedures are simple and don’t require much recovery, so they are getting more popular.

Hair Transplant

The American Hair Loss Association reports that ⅔ of men have hair loss by age 35. That number hits 85% by age 50. This is usually due to male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia.

One of the reasons hair replacement surgery is soaring in popularity is that the technology has improved, and there is far less scarring than years ago. The procedure takes up to eight hours, but the plastic surgery is highly successful with little recovery time.


About ⅓ of all rhinoplasties or nose jobs are performed on men. Nose jobs are popular because they can transform the face and make a massive difference in appearance quickly.

Men usually want something different with their nose jobs than women. Usually, they want a nose that is more masculine and straighter. Some even like it a bit larger because smaller noses are perceived as more feminine.

Dermal Fillers

Plastic surgeons know that not every man who wants a cosmetic procedure wants plastic surgery. Hyaluronic fillers, such as Juvederm, can smooth wrinkles around the eyes and mouth and increase volume in the cheeks.

Also, many men request filler on the jawline. It can improve the appearance of jowls without significant surgery.

Neurotoxin Injections

Neurotoxins, such as Botox and Dysport, are among the most common cosmetic procedures for men. These are injectable toxins that smooth wrinkles between the eyebrows, on the forehead, and around the eyes. It’s one of the most effortless ways to fight the signs of aging without surgery.

What You Can Expect

Are you considering plastic or cosmetic surgery? Great – but let’s review the process first:

  • Consultation: Your plastic surgeon will go over what you don’t like about your body or face and what you want to improve the most. He will also ensure that you have realistic, achievable goals. Because some of these male plastic surgery procedures involve surgery, he’ll need to know your current medications and any medical conditions you have.
  • Procedure: As noted earlier, there are many popular cosmetic procedures for men. Your surgeon will go over the process for each one with you.
  • Aftermath: Some procedures, such as dermal fillers, require minor bandaging or pain medication. Others, such as a tummy tuck, require bandages, pain medication, and follow-up appointments.
  • Recovery: Depending on what you have done, your recovery can range from almost immediate, such as with Botox, to a month or more with liposuction or tummy tuck.

Questions and Answers

Do male models get plastic surgery?

Popular elements in the male model transformation encompass jaw augmentation, liposuction, pec enhancement, and gluteal enhancement. These procedures effectively refine challenging areas, enhancing overall appearance definition through medical intervention.

What percentage of men have had plastic surgery?

Contrary to the prevailing belief that these interventions are primarily tailored for women, an increasing number of cosmetic plastic surgery recipients are men. However, men constitute just 13 percent of the total patient population.

Why are more men getting plastic surgery?

The shift is partly due to longer, healthier lives, but the surge in social media also plays a role. It’s not just about looking younger as we age; it’s about staying youthful. Men are embracing this trend, wanting to actively participate.

Book Your Dallas Plastic Surgery Procedure Today

What Plastic Surgery Do Men GetOnce you’re ready to take the next step and book your consultation, there’s no turning back. If you have questions about eyelid surgery, hair transplant, neck lift surgery or any other plastic surgery for men, Dr. Mohan can help answer your questions. The results you’ve dreamed of are within your grasp. Stop delaying, and schedule a Dallas plastic surgery consultation appointment with plastic surgeon Dr. Raja Mohan today.

You won’t regret your decision!


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