The Pros & Cons of Breast Implant Revision Surgery

The Pros & Cons Of Breast Implant Revision Surgery

Breast implant revision surgery may be performed for a range of reasons — from a desire to change your personal look to medical complications such as capsular contracture.

No matter your reason, when performed by an experienced board certified plastic surgeon, breast implant revision can be highly safe and effective at helping you achieve your goals. Still, patients often oscillate when it comes to actually booking their procedure. Sometimes, it can be difficult to see the distinct pros and cons and to make the best decision based on your unique circumstances.

Of course, always know that if you are experiencing a serious and direct medical condition with your breast implants, weighing your options may not be appropriate as immediate breast implant removal is typically recommended. For all other situations, we’ve outlined the major pros and cons of breast implant revision below.

First, however, let’s discuss the major reasons why patients may be considering breast augmentation revision.

Why Consider Breast Revision Surgery?

After a primary breast augmentation, there are a variety of circumstances in which a patient may choose to undergo a revision procedure. These are the most common reasons:

1. Your personal aesthetic preferences have changed.

When any type of plastic surgery is performed, it’s always possible that down the line, the patient may change his or her mind about how they want to look. As plastic surgeons, we often meet with patients who used to love the idea of very large breasts but who now prefer smaller, more natural looking breasts.

Sometimes, it’s the other way around. Fortunately, even when your tastes change, breast implant adjustments are usually an option.

2. Your body composition has changed.

As we get older, our body composition changes. Some gain or lose significant amounts of weight — on purpose or simply due to aging. Skin quality changes, and even the distribution of fat on different parts of the body can change.

Of course, some body composition changes are on purpose. Patients may undergo weight loss surgery, start working out more, or gain weight over time. No matter the reason, changes in the body’s overall appearance can often lead to patients wanting revised breasts to match their new look.

3. You’ve experienced a breast implant rupture or leak.

Breast leaks or ruptures can happen because of damage to the implant due to injury or an accident. Or, sometimes, the issue happens simply due to the age of the implant. Ruptures in silicone implants can sometimes be difficult to assess, but leaks from saline implants usually cause noticeable changes in breast size.

4. Capsular contracture has become an issue.

Sometimes, when a patient is healing from their breast augmentation surgery, a phenomenon called capsular contracture occurs. This is when the naturally forming scar tissue capsule (breast implant pocket) that surrounds an implant begins to tighten and become hard. Capsular contracture breast tissue can cause pain and may change the shape, texture, and overall appearance of your breasts.

5. You have other medical concerns.

Other medical issues may cause a patient to rethink their previous breast surgery as well. Symptoms of breast implant illness (BII) are another reason patients may come in for a revision breast augmentation consultation. Additionally, even when someone is experiencing an altogether unrelated illness, removing breast implants may be desired or recommended.

Pros of Breast Implant Revision Surgery

Fewer Medical Concerns

Medical concerns and complications can cause serious pain, discomfort, worry, and anxiety. After revising your breast implants, you can be free of the stress these issues may have been causing you.

A Silhouette You Value

Breast implant surgery is meant to increase your confidence and boost your self-esteem. Problems with breast implants, however, negate these benefits. After revision surgery, you can feel happier and more confident about your refreshed look.

More Symmetrical Breasts

Many patients seek revision of their breast implants because of an asymmetry. An effective revision procedure can correct this chronic issue.

Improved Comfort

Complications such as capsular contracture can cause daily discomforts. Fortunately, a revision surgery can correct the buildup of hard scar tissue and give you back your comfort.

Improved Confidence

And last but not least, we want you to feel confident about your breasts and body. A breast augmentation revision procedure can restore your self-esteem and give you that boost of confidence you need and deserve.

Cons of Breast Implant Revision Surgery

Extra Time and Paperwork

Your new plastic surgeon will want to see records from your original surgery. You’ll also need to provide additional details about your medical history, possibly schedule additional medical screening tests, and of course arrange for the date of your surgery and make all necessary recovery period plans.

A Second Recovery Period

The breast implant revision recovery period is often the most challenging time period for any plastic surgery. Initial breast implant revision surgery recovery may last anywhere from one to three or more weeks depending on your surgical details and your body’s natural healing response.

The Cost of a Second Surgery

Often, a patient’s breast implant revision surgery cost will be higher than the price of their initial surgery. This is because revision breast surgery often demands a more complex surgical plan that is catered to the patient’s unique situation.

Breasts May Change Again

Finally, it’s important to remember that your breasts might change again and so might your body. Weight gain or loss, aging, and natural changes in fat and muscle distribution may end up altering how your breasts look in several years, possibly necessitating an additional surgery.

FAQ: Breast Revision Surgery

How painful is breast revision surgery?

Because it is a secondary surgery, sometimes breast augmentation revision can be more painful during the recovery period. However, pain relief medication will be available, and any major discomfort will usually only last for a few days.

How much is breast implant revision surgery?

The cost of breast implant revision surgery can vary widely. We invite you to book a consultation appointment to get a better idea of how much this procedure will cost.

Is breast implant revision more expensive?

Frequently, revision surgery is more expensive than initial breast augmentation surgery because the skills required are more demanding, and a more intricate, detailed approach is often needed.

Contact Our Office to Set Up a Consultation

Breast Implant Revision Surgery CostIf you underwent a previous breast augmentation — whether it was with Dr. Mohan or another plastic surgeon — and are considering a revision, we would be happy to meet with you to discuss your options.

Please call our Dallas office today to request a one-on-one consultation with board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Raja Mohan. We look forward to hearing from you!


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