What You Need to Know About Breast Lift Scars

What You Need To Know About Breast Lift Scars

The most notable thing many people notice when looking at before and after photos for breast lift surgery is that frequently in the “after” photos, patients have scarring.

For some, this is an immediate turn-off to the procedure. However, in this article, we hope to enlighten readers on several points regarding this line of thinking:

  1. Not all breast lifts will have noticeable scarring.
  2. Breast lift scars will fade over time and become less noticeable.
  3. There are things you can do to help reduce the appearance of breast lift scars.
  4. Even if scars are indeed present, the benefits of a breast lift almost always outweigh the drawbacks of those scars.

What to Expect From Scars After Breast Lift Surgery

Breast lift scars will look different based on the type of surgery the patient undergoes. There are three main types of breast lift surgeries. Others exist, but these are the three techniques that are most commonly used. Each type is defined by the surgical pattern (incision pattern) the surgeon employs.

The simplest pattern is sometimes called a “donut” lift. This incision pattern features a circular incision that goes around the edge of each areola. As these incisions heal, they are very difficult to see because the scar tissue actually blends in with the color of the areolae.

Actually, all three of the main breast lift surgery patterns feature circular incisions around the areolae. However, the next two incision patterns have additional incisions as well.

The second most commonly used breast lift incision pattern is sometimes called the “lollipop” lift. With his incision pattern, the circular incisions around the areolae are made, and another incision is made that runs down the lower half of each breast — from the lower part of the areola to the crease at the bottom of the breast.

Lastly, there is the “anchor” lift. This lift looks like a “lollipop” lift with the addition of another incision on each breast, which runs along the underside of the breast within the crease.

Ultimately, it is the vertical breast lift scars (in both the “lollipop” lifts and “anchor” lifts) that are the most noticeable because the circular incisions around the areolae and the breast crease incisions tend to blend in and remain hidden.

Still, even after your vertical breast lift scars have healed, these should not be very noticeable either. Breast lift scars fade over time. And below, we’ll go over a few tips you can use at home to help reduce the appearance of your any scarring you may have.

How You Can Reduce the Appearance of Breast Lift Scars

You will have an impact on how apparent your breast lift scars are. Make sure to do the following to help your scars remain as discreet as possible:

  1. Avoid smoking altogether if you can. Alternatively, do not smoke at all in the weeks leading up to your surgery and for as long as possible after your surgery.
  2. Don’t strain yourself by exercising or lifting heavy objects too soon after your procedure and while you are still healing.
  3. Don’t scratch, scrub, or otherwise irritate your incision sites while they are healing (this can be a tendency as healing can cause itching).
  4. Don’t tan or expose your scar tissue to UV light.
  5. Once healed, consider using gentle massage to help flatten the scars and reduce scar tissue buildup (always ask your surgeon first).
  6. Once healed, consider silicone scar sheets, which can be placed over scars to help them heal faster (always ask your surgeon first).

Who Is a Good Candidate for a Breast Lift?

Breast lifts are often the ideal cosmetic procedure for patients who have breasts that sag and droop. This is a frequent bother for mature women. It is simply due to aging and the effects of gravity, which stretch the breast ligaments over time.

For other women, weight fluctuations may be the root cause of breasts that have lost their shape and volume. For example, losing a large amount of weight may “deflate” the breasts so that much of the fat is gone, and what is left is mostly stretched breast tissue and skin.

Finally, many women who have gone through one or more pregnancies may end up with sagging breasts. This usually happens for a similar reason as weight loss patients. The breasts grow larger and heavier during pregnancy and if the mother is breastfeeding, and this stretches the breast tissue and ligaments, resulting in sagging breasts.

Is the Idea of Scarring Holding You Back From a Breast Lift?

If you have breasts that sag, nipples and areolae that fall below the creases beneath your breasts, nipples that point downward, and/or enlarged aerolae, there are unfortunately limited options when it comes to correction. In terms of permanent solutions, a breast lift is usually the best recourse.

Unfortunately, many women are worried about the scars they’ll have after surgery. But while this is an understandable concern, scarring shouldn’t hold most patients back from this procedure.

Not only is it unlikely that your breast surgery scars will be very noticeable — especially if you abide by your surgeon’s care instructions — but they definitely won’t be noticeable beneath clothing. Furthermore, you will be solving what is likely a chronic issue that’s been bothering you significantly. Pendulous breasts that sag and droop can be discouraging for many reasons. They are often uncomfortable and sometimes even painful. They can be hard to find bras and other undergarments for. It can also be difficult to find regular clothes that fit and feel comfortable and attractive. Many women lack confidence because they are self-conscious about their breasts.

If you truly would like to fix this problem, a breast lift could be the ideal solution for you. The best way to know is to speak with a cosmetic surgeon who has experience performing breast lifts for satisfied patients.

Questions and Answers

What is the disadvantage to a breast lift?

Similar to any significant surgery, a breast lift carries risks of bleeding, infection, and anesthesia reactions. Allergic responses to surgical tape or materials are also possible.

Is there a scarless breast lift?

Women considering a breast lift once faced descriptions of potential scars. Now there is the option of  the FDA-approved scarless breast lift for results without invasive surgery.

What is the difference between a breast lift and a breast augmentation?

A breast lift is a surgical procedure primarily concerned with the placement of the breasts on the chest while a breast augmentation is concerned primarily with the size of the breasts. During a breast lift, a surgeon removes excess tissue while lifting the breast up to create a more youthful appearance.

What can make breast lift scars worse?

Scratching, itching, exposing your scars to the direct sunlight or any activity that might irritate the area of your breast lift scar.

Is there any way to remove scars?

While there are professional scar removal treatments, the best action is to take proper care of your scars after surgery. This will help to lessen their appearance. After having healed one year breast lift scars should be looking more and more minimal if you have taken care to follow the directions regarding scar care.

Is a breast lift similar to a breast reduction?

Yes, a breast reduction is shares some common traits with a breast lift. With a breast reduction a similar process is performed with excess skin being removed and the breast being lifted upward. A difference between a breast reduction and a lift is that with a breast reduction the breasts are made smaller as a part of the surgery. A lift is a part of a breast reduction by virtue of the problem that comes with having very large breasts which a breast reduction seeks to alleviate.

Schedule a Consultation With Dr. Raja Mohan

Healed One Year Breast Lift ScarsAside from things you can do at home to help reduce the appearance of breast lift scarring, choosing a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon will also help tremendously. Their expertise during surgery and throughout your aftercare can often mitigate the appearance of scars after healing by a large margin.

Dr. Raja Mohan has been practicing as a plastic surgeon in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex for many years and is one of the few surgeons in the area with specialized fellowship training in aesthetic surgery. He has performed numerous breast lift surgeries for happy and satisfied patients.

If you have questions regarding scarring after a breast lift or any other aspect of this procedure, please contact our office today to schedule your in-person consultation with Dr. Mohan.



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