Will Insurance Cover Breast Implant Revision Surgery?

Will Insurance Cover Breast Implant Revision Surgery

Breast implants are designed to last a long time—not a lifetime. At some point, breast revision surgery will be required to address the issues that come with the aging process. This often includes breast implant revisions, such as a change in size or complete removal.

Regardless of what you decide to do with your breast implants down the road, the cost of breast revision surgery will still be a primary factor in the decision-making process. Therefore, it’s essential to understand how insurance coverage will come into play and how you can expect to pay for your future breast implant revision surgery in Dallas.

What Is Breast Implant Revision Surgery?

Breast implant revision surgery (also referred to as breast augmentation revision surgery) is a type of plastic surgery that involves removing a patient’s existing breast implants and replacing them with new breast implants.

In many cases, breast implant revision procedures involve other types of plastic surgery, such as breast implant removal followed by a breast lift(or mastopexy).

There are several options when it comes to implant revision. However, the most common reasons for the revision surgery include:

  • Dissatisfaction with the original breast augmentation procedure regarding the appearance of the breast implants placed during the time.
  • Uneven breasts due to poor placement or migration.
  • Wanting a breast reduction or new implants that are larger.
  • Wanting to address rippling or wrinkling in the skin surrounding the breast implants
  • Medical issues, such as capsular contracture, implant rupture, implant leakage, or breast implant illness.
  • Changes in overall body composition and skin elasticity that have caused the breast implants to become more visible.

It should be noted that breast implants are designed to last between 10 and 15 years. After ten years, there will be a one percent increase in rupture each year. Therefore, it’s common for patients to undergo breast implant revision surgery every ten years or so to counteract that risk and maintain an optimal appearance.

How Much Does Breast Implant Revision Cost?Breast Implant Revision Cost

The cost of breast implant revision surgery will vary significantly based on a variety of factors. While the starting point for breast revision surgery is relatively low, the following will impact the ultimate breast implant revision cost:

The Surgeon’s Experience

The surgeon you choose, and their level of experience, training, and demand will directly influence your breast implant revision cost. A board certified plastic surgeon with years of experience and an excellent reputation will always be associated with a higher price for breast implant revision surgery.

Extent of the Breast Implant Revision

There are various reasons why patients choose to have or specifically require breast revision surgery. Whether you’re addressing a medical issue, requiring an additional cosmetic procedure, or simply reverting to your natural breast tissue, the scope of the implant revision surgery will determine most of your breast implant revision costs.

Facility and Medical Equipment Fees

A portion of your breast implant revision cost will be based on the location of the surgical facility and the equipment and supplies needed. For example, hospitals charge their own fees for using their facilities, as does the hospital stay cost if your treatment plan requires you to stay overnight.

This extends to any additional staff required, as every board certified plastic surgeon enlists the help of at least one specially trained surgical assistant.


Breast implant revision costs always include anesthesia as anesthesia is administered by an anesthesiologist who also has their own fees. What’s more, general anesthesia will cost more than local anesthesia — and it’s common for surgeons to use both for the procedure.

Implant Revision Aftercare

Lastly, you’ll have to prepare for the healing and revision recovery process, which you should already be familiar with from undergoing your past breast augmentation surgery. In addition to medical supplies and compression garments, you can expect your overall breast implant revision cost to include follow-up appointments.

Will My Health Insurance Cover Breast Revision Surgery?

Since breast revision surgery is still considered a cosmetic procedure, you shouldn’t expect your health insurance company to cover the costs. Health insurance is meant for preventative healthcare and emergencies — not plastic surgery.

In some instances, your health insurance company may consider covering your breast implant revision surgery if it is deemed medically necessary.

For example, in severe cases of capsular contracture, some health insurance plans will cover breast implant removal to a certain extent. However, most patients experiencing capsular contracture still don’t get coverage under their health insurance plan.

Ultimately, insurance companies require concrete proof that the breast surgery revision is medically necessary.

How to Pay For Your Breast Implant Revision Procedure

As with any cosmetic surgery, you must rely on alternative ways to afford the procedure. With breast implant revision surgery, the best ways to cover the costs include the following financing options:

  • A medical credit card, such as CareCredit or Alphaeon
  • Regular credit cards or a personal loan
  • Special financing plans offered by the surgeon

It’s always recommended that you speak with the surgeon first to learn about their special financing plans. Of course, you’ll need to set realistic expectations, as they’ll likely require a down payment to proceed with the surgery.

Breast Implant Revision FAQs

Is Revision Breast Implant Covered By InsuranceWhat exactly is capsular contracture?

Capsular contracture occurs when the scar tissue pockets that form around the implants begin to tighten and contract. This can cause pain and noticeable changes in the chest area.

Do I have to get new implants during breast implant revision surgery?

If you don’t want new implants, you don’t have to have them placed during the implant revision surgery.

While many patients opt for a breast implant exchange, just as many choose to have their original implants completely removed.

How long is the recovery period for breast implant revision surgery?

Recovery after breast implant revision surgery is very similar to the recovery period after the initial implant procedure. However, for some patients, recovery from breast implant revision surgery can feel slightly more painful due to the surgeon having to cut into scar tissue.

Schedule Your Breast Implant Revision Consultation

If you’re coming up on ten years of having breast implants, it’s time to schedule an implant revision consultation. Dr. Raja Mohan will help you determine the status and health of your existing breast implants and your options regarding the revision.

Schedule your breast implant revision consultation with Dr Raja Mohan, Plastic Surgeon in Dallas, TX!


  1. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/will-your-breast-implants-last-a-lifetime#:~:text=While%20generally%20safe%20and%20designed,by%20one%20percent%20each%20year.
  2. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/breast-implant-revision/cost
  3. https://www.carecredit.com/well-u/health-wellness/breast-implant-revision-cost/
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